2010年5月9日 星期日

happy mother's day

tati and daddy chose this cake for me.

Happy mother's day to:
my mom
fly's mom
and all the moms out there and myself

it is not an easy job.

置中three of us

3 則留言:

No More Blue Jeans 提到...

thank you.

I actually don't feel that i deserve this day. since kieran was born, i took care of him myself the first 2 months only and then there is my mom and nanny..

happy mother's day! you're a great mother! I really think that all my friend's who take care of their family without parents' help are the greatest!

sydneythefly 提到...

it is still tough. no matter how much help you got.
you got to worry about the kids all the time. that is not just physical stress. i think you did a great job too.
it is not easy at all...

No More Blue Jeans 提到...

oh i didn't see the pictures yesterday! rare to see you in the pic! i love the 3 of you all in pink!