2012年8月9日 星期四

yes, i am cheap

no one likes to waste money, and most people tried to live as frugal as they can.
we are one of those people.
some people think that people like us are really cheap,
some think that we are too hard on ourselves. we should treat ourselves for a luxury spa get away, for a nice dress, a nice brand name handbag., or maybe a new car and  a bigger house....
i think most of the time, we know what we like or want to do, and buying stuff won't make us happy.

my mom always told us, if you eat one bite less, you can save that bite for someone who can't even afford food.

that's the main reason, i think people should live frugally.

i used to waste money on trendy stuff, wearing the most fashionable clothes that i could when i was young, but that didn't make me a happy person, instead, i felt lost and not knowing who i was. people doing that, usually don't have a hobby or can't find inner peace and happiness, and lack of self-confident.

Indulgent yourself usually is just an excuse of wasting money. and even i said that now, lots of time I wasted money on things i don't need too. it is not a crime, but it shouldn't be a hobby.

i am used to people calling me cheap (yes, sometimes even proud of being cheap), some are joking some make it sound hurtful. but i think i just have to stick to my believe, i would rather save the 40 dollars for a manicure instead of using it  for a kid that you can help her/him to go to school for a month; and that will make me happier.

my mom is a very generous person and i am glad she brought us up this way.

i love being cheap to myself but be generous to others that make me feel very rich when i do that.

3 則留言:

黃文貞 醫師/醫學博士/部定教授 提到...


sydneythefly 提到...

我也是!!老是被同事笑我很"省"! 有些是正面的 有些就是擺明看不起!!

wenny 提到...
