2010年12月26日 星期日
eleri is almost 9 months
eleri is going to be 9 months in fice days.
in case i don't hae time update my blog.
she got her fornt teeth on 12/11 ( my sister wendy's birthday)
and she for another two teeth on the top on 12/24 (my siser ali's birthday)
Eleri developed so much in this month.
she can crawl in her werid own way. She now walks while holding onto stuff and these two days she got to let go of her hands and stand for one or two seconds.
she still screams lots but copies the sound we make. and copies what we do too.
she can clap her hands now if you asked her to
and she is those kinda kids so determined when she wants something or wanna do certain things.
what a crazy one. but i love her dearly still...
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1 則留言:
Eleri真是越看越可愛!!你家都是美人胚子!!她穿的那件你織的毛衣,是從TATI那邊接收過來的嗎??? 哈~~ 你送我的帽子我越看越喜歡~~下次戴給你看!!!^^