2010年6月2日 星期三

going out for a walk

the weather was very nice today, got to get out to show my appreciation of whatever it was.
no excuse not doing any exercise anymore.
the first time i put eleri in the carrier that i inherited from ing and got out for a walk.
i forgot to bring my camera with, silly me.

2 則留言:

No More Blue Jeans 提到...

i love love carry baby for a walk like that! i miss it..I'll have another baby just for that moment!
Or i really have to fly to see you and carry my goddaughter. Is it how they call it? goddaughter??

ws 提到...

please do fly over here to see your goddaughter. there will be more people to carry her. she will be happy. she was not so sure when i put her in there the first time. look at her face. all worried. i am sure she will get used to it.